last minute

Advice for “last minute travelers”

Normally vaccinations should start 4-6 weeks before departure. But that doesn’t mean that a visit to a travel medicine specialist is pointless for last-minute travelers.

All booster shots work practically “immediately after the bite”.

Some travel vaccinations have a relatively quick onset of action even with the first dose. This provides good protection even if there is little time before departure. They are fully effective after 7-10 days at the latest.

However, MANDATORY vaccinations must be carried out in good time:

In international travel today, this only includes vaccinations against yellow fever and meningococci (a bacterial meningitis).

Yellow fever vaccination is required for entry into several countries, but for many only if you are traveling directly from a yellow fever area (this may have to be considered for round trips).
A mandatory vaccination against yellow fever must be given no later than 10 days before entry and officially documented by a yellow fever vaccination center.

The meningococcal vaccination is required for pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia when applying for a visa. This vaccination must also be given 10 days before entry.

When it comes to malaria prevention , “last-minute travellers” are recommended to use drugs with a rapid onset of action. In addition, the effective level can be reached more quickly with a different starting dose.

Please contact us directly by phone or email with the note “last minute”, we will find a way to take care of you immediately.