travel medicine

Many subject areas flow together in travel medicine. Not only medicine (tropical medicine, internal medicine, altitude medicine, diving medicine), but also biology (insects!), geography and meteorology play an important role.

However, travel medicine also means recognizing and caring for the individual traveler in their individuality, their needs and their risk profile.

Our travel medicine offer includes:

We organize and validate your vaccinations

Bring us your vaccination cards, we will tell you about due and future refresher appointments and any existing vaccination gaps. If necessary, we will also be happy to create a new vaccination card and transfer any vaccinations that are still valid.

Due to a change of doctor, relocation, loss and reissuance, vaccination cards are often a colorful jumble of old and new vaccinations, late dates and illegible entries.

This makes it difficult to keep track of the necessary refresher courses or additional vaccinations.

The vaccination check and issuing a new vaccination card costs € 15 per person and is currently free of charge as part of a vaccination program!!

Children’s vaccination cards – International vaccination cards – TBE vaccination card – Replacement vaccination cards – Vaccination cards – Vaccination slips

Your personal presence is required!!

malaria prophylaxis

Malaria is the most important tropical disease that cannot be prevented by vaccination. We would be happy to advise you on the various options for protecting yourself against this disease.

Exposure prophylaxis (non-drug measures)

Mosquito protection is a very important part of malaria prophylaxis. These non-drug measures can reduce the risk of malaria by up to 90%.

Drug prophylaxis

When traveling to countries with a high risk of malaria, a medicinal malaria prophylaxis must be taken. Due to the resistance of the malaria pathogen, only a few drugs are effective in these areas. We will be happy to inform you about the available substances, their advantages and disadvantages and help you to choose the right medication for you. Of course, you can also get the prescriptions for your malaria medication from us.

Emergency self-treatment (“stand-by”)

For travel countries with a low risk of malaria, there is an alternative to medicinal prophylaxis: with good preparation and information, the so-called emergency self-treatment (or “stand-by” medication) can be used instead of prophylaxis. An effective drug for the treatment of malaria is taken on vacation and taken in case of illness. Since this method places some demands on the traveler, comprehensive information is important. We take the time to explain the principle to you and explain the advantages and disadvantages. Only use the emergency self-treatment method if you have a clear understanding of what to do and are willing to do it.

Protection against mosquitoes and other biting insects

The list of diseases transmitted by insects is long, and only a few can be protected against by vaccination or preventive medication. Effective protection against insects is therefore an important health precaution when travelling.

General measures:

In some cases you can literally avoid insects. Ticks and mites and the diseases they transmit are very local, and places with frequent diseases are often known to the local population.

Some diseases show clear seasonal fluctuations due to the habits of the vector insects. When planning a trip, such seasonal rhythms should be taken into account if possible.

If you are traveling to an area where prevention of malaria is important, special attention should be paid to dusk. Unfortunately, the early morning hours as well as the wonderful evening hours are the times of the greatest activity of Anopheles mosquitoes, the carriers of the dreaded disease.

Aedes mosquitoes tend to bite during the day. They are carriers of dengue fever.

You should not be outdoors during the “main flight time” of mosquitoes.

Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts/blouses and a hat when not on a beach holiday; your skin will also thank you for the improved sun protection. You will also find that in a humid, tropical climate you are less hot in skin-covering clothing made from natural fibers (linen, cotton) or from special breathable synthetic fibers than with spaghetti straps and shorts.

You can achieve the maximum effect if you impregnate your clothing with repellents (insect repellents) (see below) and also apply special agents to the uncovered areas of skin (see below).

In areas where tick bites are possible, you should not wear sandals or flip-flops, but closed shoes (there are light, air-permeable canvas shoes that can also be worn at 40°). Tuck your pant legs into your shoes when hiking off-road. After walks, safaris, discovery tours, check yourself and your clothes for ticks. Remove any attached ticks immediately. This can prevent the transmission of diseases (also applies in Austria!).

For a safe night’s sleep, your hotel room should have intact mosquito nets, air conditioning or mosquito nets. Since it is easy to catch cold in hypothermic rooms, a tip: air-condition your room during the day – mosquitoes do not fly from the warm to the cooler room, and turn the air-conditioning off or on a very low level at night. A non-air-conditioned room can be rid of uninvited guests that have accumulated during the day with bug spray.

The lower ends of the mosquito net should be tucked under the mattress, this also prevents crawling insects from entering.



Based on the current state of knowledge, only repellents containing DEET (N,N-diethylmetatoluamide) can be recommended. In Austria these are No Bite®, Anti-Mückenmilch® and Exopic®. Only the picaridin contained in Autan® is similarly effective.

The higher the concentration of DEET in the cream or lotion, the longer the protection period. However, more than 50% DEET does not provide any additional protection. Since the duration of protection is influenced by many factors (ambient temperature, sweating, water contact, abrasion), it is better to reapply a little sooner than indicated on the pack.

Unfortunately, there are no detailed studies of what concentrations of DEET are safe for children. Although no serious side effects are known, the minimum necessary concentration should be used with small children. Questions such as: how long and at what times are the children outdoors, are there mosquitoes in the area, are there diseases transmitted by mosquitoes?


The protective effect of mosquito repellents can be significantly increased if the clothing you wear is also impregnated with permethrin. Permethrin is mosquito repellent and insecticidal and is also effective against ticks and other insects. Impregnated clothing, mosquito nets and camping equipment retain their effectiveness even after multiple washes (re-impregnate after about 5 washes).

Tips for using insect repellents safely:

  • Apply the repellent to any exposed skin, do not use on areas covered by clothing. Apply thinly, a thick layer does not protect better.
  • Do NOT apply the repellent to wounds or severely irritated areas of skin (e.g. eczema)
  • When you return to the hotel, to mosquito-proof rooms, or before you go to bed, wash off the affected skin with soap and water.
  • When using sprays, avoid spraying the aerosol directly on your face, spray onto your hands and rub onto your face.
  • Don’t let small children apply it themselves, rub your child in. Repellents should not get into children’s hands, as they will sooner or later end up in their mouths.
  • Babies and small children can easily be protected by mosquito nets over the carrying baskets or bags.

Sick after a trip to the tropics?

Do you feel symptoms of illness after your vacation – fever, diarrhea, skin rash, nausea, tiredness? A tropical doctor can help you.

We offer rapid malaria diagnostics, stool diagnostics, clarification and treatment of diarrhea, differential diagnosis of important tropical diseases.

If you return sick from your holiday, we will of course give you preferential treatment with regard to the treatment appointment. Call us or come directly to our center during our opening hours, our tropical doctors will take care of you quickly.


If you have been to a malaria area, be sure to take fever seriously – regardless of whether you have taken malaria prophylaxis or not. Consult a tropical doctor immediately!

Malaria can appear weeks after a trip to the tropics and is a life-threatening disease if left untreated

Altitude Tolerance Test / Altitude Test

  • Assessment of hypoxia tolerance
  • Assessing suitability for heights
  • Evaluation of training results 

The altitude test determines the individual altitude tolerance (reasoned by the hypoxia given at altitude = reduced oxygen content of the blood) and the associated stress on the cardiovascular system.

Only genetic factors are responsible for the individual suitability for altitude. The occurrence of altitude sickness is not related to age, gender or physical fitness.

procedure of the test

After a corresponding preliminary examination, a dosed, oxygen-reduced air mixture is inhaled via a breathing mask for a defined period of time. A pulse oximeter (finger clip) is used to measure the extent and speed of changes in blood oxygen saturation. The changes in oxygen saturation and heart rate provide information about the possible problems and reactions at altitude. The speed with which the oxygen saturation returns to the initial value after the test is completed also provides important information about the individual hypoxia tolerance (= suitability for altitude).

The altitude suitability test can be used to assess whether the altitude tolerance is average, above or below average. This is very important information for a planned mountain or trekking tour.

Price: € 90

  • introductory talk
  • altitude history
  • Determination of vital parameters (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation)
  • Hypoxia test (duration 15 to 20 minutes)
  • final talk

Package price for altitude test + altitude check:
€ 145 (instead of € 170)

Altitude training / interval hypoxia training

Interval Hypoxia Training (IHT) is a method of altitude adaptation. Oxygen-poor air (14 – 9% O2) is inhaled through a mask and this stimulates the body’s adaptation processes. This high-altitude training is particularly efficient thanks to the cyclic change between low-oxygen air and room air. The training is carried out in physical rest, i.e. sitting.

The basics of the method come from Russia, where it was intensively studied and used in the field of aviation and medicine. As a result, other areas of application for IHT have become established, namely preparatory altitude acclimatization (= early acclimatization) and increased performance in endurance sports.


Hypoxia training can either be continuous or – as with us – as interval training. With the continuous method, the night is usually used, the trainee sleeps in the hypoxia tent. Aside from the reduced comfort of a tent, sleeping at altitudes of 3000-3500m is not comfortable either. In contrast to IHT, continuous training is often perceived as a strain.

The most important difference between continuous and interval training is the training altitude. Heights necessary for optimal height adjustment cannot be reached with continuous training. With the IHT, up to 6200m can be simulated, thus ensuring efficient acclimatization.

With an IHT, early acclimatization is achieved, which significantly reduces the likelihood of altitude illness occurring.

Training process

A training unit of our altitude training consists of 16 hypoxic cycles of 5 minutes, with room air being breathed for over 20 seconds at the end of each cycle. The training takes place 5 times a week for 3 weeks. It should be completed immediately before the start of the planned high-altitude stay.

Oxygen saturation and heart rate are recorded over the entire training period. In addition to monitoring the training, this also serves to determine the optimal training height. It is of great importance that the individual training height is chosen correctly. During the 15 training units, the training height is increased individually.

The adaptive mechanisms that are stimulated in the body by altitude training consist in improving oxygen uptake, transport capacity and oxygen utilization in the tissue. Cardiovascular and pulmonary parameters also improve. Changes in the neuroendocrine system, as well as in the immune system, suggest additional effects that have not yet been fully clarified.

Price € 399 (promotional price instead of € 499)

Altitude training costs include:

  • introductory talk
  • anamnesis
  • Determination of vital parameters (temperature, blood pressure, pulse)
  • Determination of the initial training height
  • Personal breathing mask and bacteria filter
  • 15 training sessions (80 minutes each)
  • Training adaptation by recording the oxygen values
  • High altitude medical final consultation