Traveldoc – travel clinic and vaccination center

Dr. Georg Stühlinger and Dr. Ursula Hollenstein

Dr. Georg Stühlinger – Dr. Ursula Hollenstein.
Favoritenstraße 32, 1040 Vienna.

T +43 1 505 64 46
F +43 1 505 64 46 – 14

Opening hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 14:00 – 20:00
Friday and Saturday 10:00 – 16:00

closed for vacation: February 17 until March 03

information desk

MMR, meningococcal vaccines, HPV, Covid-19, herpes zoster (shingles)


Sometimes science isn´t that deadly serious. An episode of science busters about vaccination.


current recommendations


Ursula Hollenstein and Georg Stühlinger are the “Traveldocs”. Travelling is our passion.
We combine our travel experience from many expeditions with medical competence and knowledge, to guarantee your best start into
the fantastic world of travelling.

For all Hights and Depths!

Empfangsbereich traveldoc Reisemedizin, Tropenmedizin, Praxis in 1040 Wien
Warteraum der traveldoc Praxis für Reisemedizin und Tropenmedizin in Wien
Behandlungsraum von Dr. Ursula Hollenstein im Zentrum für Reisemedizin und Tropenmedizin von traveldoc.
Behandlungsraum von Dr. Georg Stühlinger im Zentrum für Reisemedizin und Tropenmedizin von traveldoc.

We know most countries our clients wish to travel to from our own travel experience and can therefore counsel them profoundly.
Traveldoc vienna is your competence centre for all medical questions about traveling and beyond.