Middle East

The region encompasses some of the most culturally significant areas in the world. Due to civil wars and international unrest, many of the most wonderful cultural sites are inaccessible or irretrievably destroyed.

Turkey still scores with bathing destinations. Syria, Iraq and Yemen currently seem lost to tourism.

Don’t be put off by the political coverage of Iran. The country has an incredible amount to offer, the hospitality is overwhelming and we manage to wear a little headscarf.

If you haven’t seen wondrous places like Petra in Jordan, you should definitely do so. The region’s instability does not bode well.

travel time

Since the summer months can get very hot, spring and fall are the preferred travel seasons.

Swimming in Turkey, the Emirates or in Oman is of course also “in” in summer.

In addition to the Austrian standard vaccinations, a typhoid vaccination is recommended for trips away from the tourist hotspots.
For extended trips, especially hiking trips, a rabies vaccination should be considered.

Iran: minimal risk in the southernmost parts of the country – mosquito repellent should be used consistently.

Yemen: high risk, but the country cannot be visited anyway.

Saudi Arabia: minimal risk in the southwest of the country, mosquito repellent is sufficient

Oman: minimal risk in the north-eastern parts of the country, mosquito repellent

Medicines for small everyday emergencies, from pain to coughing to diarrhea, should be carried with you. The hospitals all have no European standard.

All countries in the region are Muslim. Keep this in mind when choosing your travel wardrobe. Long trousers for men (shorts are at least sneered at), at least knee-covering skirts for women, no bare shoulders and a scarf for the head if visiting religious sites.