Tropical Africa

There are 3 very popular tourist destinations here: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. All three are primarily visited for their natural beauty and impressive wildlife.

The other countries are hardly on the radar of Austrian holidaymakers.

When to travel?

Even if you can get something out of every season, even if it’s just that there are few tourists in the country, the dry months of December/January and summer are the most popular dates.

All countries in this region are in the yellow fever distribution area. However, since Tanzania has not reported any cases of illness for many years, yellow fever vaccination is no longer recommended for tourist trips to Tanzania. The islands of Zanzibar, Sao Tome and Principe are free of yellow fever.

entry regulations

However, all countries also have entry regulations that either make a valid yellow fever vaccination mandatory or require entry from a yellow fever country. Depending on the itinerary, yellow fever vaccination may be required even for a yellow fever-free country. For example, you currently need a yellow fever vaccination to enter Zanzibar – coming from mainland Tanzania.

A typhoid vaccination is useful for practically all trips to this region.

Rabies immunoglobulin is not available (the only country on the African continent that reliably has these products available is South Africa).

please note

Many African countries have reported increased outbreaks of poliomyelitis (poliomyelitis) in recent years – make sure you have an up-to-date vaccination (it lasts 10 years and is part of the Austrian routine vaccinations).

The entire region is a high-risk malaria zone. The disease is widespread all year round, with malaria tropica predominating.
Drug prophylaxis and mosquito repellent are essential. Only 3 substances are effective in the region: doxycycline, atovaquone-proguanil, mefloquine. Only the island of Zanzibar, which belongs to Tanzania, has pushed back the disease in recent years.

Since medical care outside of the capital cities is only rudimentary and safari itineraries often lead away from good transport connections for days, the first-aid kit should contain the most important medicines for common health problems: pain, diarrhea, itching after insect bites, small wounds and allergies you should be able to treat.

No later than 6 weeks before departure vaccination check to check any necessary vaccinations.
Malaria advice and decision on the best strategy.

For the safari: sturdy but air-permeable shoes, light skin-covering clothing (impregnate with permethrin before departure for optimal protection against insects), hat.